Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Belated post of my work trip cum birthday trip in Hong Kong

I am back, finally exam is over! Yesterday is my last paper, pls dun ask me hows my paper. IS SUCK! My econ paper is the worse! Our unit coordinator so nice to gave us tips! He told us to follow the past year exam paper and he will only make slight changes. But when paper came out, it changed more than 70% and most of the question were not cover in our lecture. I spent most of my time on this econ paper and ended I at the verge of failing the papers cos I have no time for my other 2 modules! Anyway.. is over and must enjoy my life hard!

After exam went supper with classmate.. Mookata! My 1st Mookata! Yum yum...

So happy lay... My 1st Mookata..

Ame said must covered with all the BBQ then can snap picture. The meat is marinated and very tasty but after eating more will feel salty. Actually, I still prefer hotpot cos can add lotsa veggies.

Our most relax meal.. after exam and is the last exam! We look cui (tired and ugly) but in very happy mood lah.

My classmate Ame, both us always gan chiong over exam and go temple bai bai when we have no confidence.. LOL.. I am so lucky to know all the nice classmates. All the nice persons surrounding with me. Thanks god!

Today I am having a super high mood.. Every min, any places and anywhere I will jump up and scream.. EXAM is OVER! I am FREE and I can FLY like a bird!! Though I might need to re-module for my papers in Jan 14, but.. who cares? Enjoy the moment 1st and I have so many things to do.. So many things that I wanted to try.. So happy.. finally I have end my suffering and have my freedom back! Need time to organise my work and myself..

Before, I start my exam, I kept trying to steal some time to do a blog of my work trip to Hong Kong and as well my birthday treats to Hong Kong. But really cant squeeze out any time also no mood and too stressed. Okay.. I really cant remember when is my last holiday trip, most of my overseas trip are for my work. Okay lah.. This Hong Kong trip is 50-50, work and leisure.

Here are the picture in HK... Look forward to go there again! I act like 1st time to HK like that! hahaha.. Okay lah, my 1st experience to HK is not a good one.. 1st I got food poisoning once I reached HK then my friendship with my BFF end cos of this trip. So not a happy one, I remember once i reached SG and when I saw my family member fetching me at Changi airpot, I cried out loud!

Sorry for the blurness.. Though I had bought a Samsung digital cam but I dunno why I kept using my phone cam

the scenery, hen mei hor?

I am a funny person, I like to shop their market.. I like to see how their daily life like.. LOL

Buying the coin ticket, taking ferry to Zhonghuan, I like their ferry and so sexcited! Okay.. I know.. Singapore also have ferry to Sentosa.. But I am tourist here, feeling very different.. In Singapore go Sentosa cannot act tourist la.. My face so Singapore.

  1. The uncle in yellow peeping at me! wahahahaha. I so 不要脸! hehehe... Uncle.. said 七!!

Standing here make me look... outstanding lor.. Okay  la.. act 不要脸again..

While walking also can camho.. 

I have no chance to take their 电 bus so sad lor.. Next trip to HK but take!

The sunshine made me look so chio sia!

Very yum shredded squid! I fall in love with this.. Yum.. next trip there must eat more!

See.. I so poor thing.. rushing my sch assignment when I am in HK.. I do till 3am.. poor thing but.. hehehe.. is over!

I loved their mini bus..

In the subway...

Okay.. this is freaking yum... with a sweet sauce and mustard! Gosh.. I loved mustard!  1st bite I got shocked.. it is cold! But yum yum la.. I had octopus and another round round one I dunno what is that. Very crunchy.. OMG OMG.. I started to missed the street foods there...

This coconut juice.. very refreshing... good for hot weather!

Out for late dinner... standing here act artistic lah... you mei you very art de feel?

Acting like a kid here... very cute hor... I mean the backdrops lah..

Trying to selca... but the strong in time to blew my hair messy.. yuan lai my messy hair also not bad look lah..

The Hello Kitty in the Mcd.. No crazy kitty fan here.. No long Q or fighting for the kitties.. unlike Singapore..

Time to come back Singapore... Btw hor...  realised that the Hong Kong Police mostly very handsome... Trying to take their picture but look lame lah.. Also, I shy lay... 

Okay,, now I no more evening classes no more assignment no more midterm test and no more exam.. mean I have more time to nag here and talk rubbish! 

Stay tune for my next blog ya!

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