Friday, 26 July 2013

Fever and flu day

Went to clinic this morning wanna do chemical peel for my face but ended my doctor said I am having fever. Then need to postpone my chemical peel to next Wednesday cos as what she advise that my face will recover slow if my body condition is not good.

I am having bad sore throat, running nose and body aching for the past few days. A few of my friends saw me commented that I look pale, I thought is due to my late night rushing for my sch assignment causes me to look pale.

Gosh.. What a blur me! I told my doctor that I am having problem to sleep cos of my stressed from my mum mum hospitalised and school work and want her to give me the flu pills that can make me sleep well. She prescribed me some medicines that make me really drowsy and weak. After consumed the medicines, I felt so weak and slept for the whole day!.  

Look at the fever tablet.. is so "huge".. I have to suffered 8 times to swallow the 2 tablets.


This is me unknowing that I am having fever.. I consider super iron woman lor.. I actually went to JB for my work and rushed to my evening class after JB trip with fever!

Still can selca with my pretty BFF after class! 

I super bu super?? 

Opps.. Time for my medicines and sleep.. I need to chop the "huge" fever tablet, suffering time :(

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